Brian's play in Portland

Trapper Team
Matt 6/8/09

Hey guys, Brian (BT drummer) asked me to post this info for those of you in Portland. A play he wrote is featured in the performance going on now:

June 5th - June 28th 2009
The Shoebox Theatre
2110 SE 10th Ave.
Portland, OR

General Admission: $15 in advance / $18 at the door
Student/Senior: $12 in advance / $15 at the door

Cash only at the door

Twilight Repertory Theatre closes its 2008-09 season with an evening of one-act plays by Portland playwrights on the theme of parents and children. The six plays are held together by a common theme, the relationships within families, but vary in tone from tragic to farcical and points in between. The playwrights include TRT members JJ Hawkins, director of last year’s delightful comedy She Stoops To Conquer, Artistic Director John Duncan, and David Gallic, author of TRT’s comedy production Off Book and the award-winning Meatloaf in the Moonlight. They are joined by Brian Koch, playwright, director and producer of two successful local productions based on 50’s horror films; Karin Magaldi, professor of theatre arts and playwriting at Portland State University; and Gretchen Icenogle, professor of theatre arts at Reed College and Drammy award-winning playwright. Join them in June for a rollercoaster examination of that most perplexing human relationship.

Tough Love
A satire by Brian Koch—an examination of a household run along strict, very strict disciplinary lines

Bottle Youth
A farce by David Gallic—a father and son learn what it’s like to walk around in one another’s, uh, shoes, and other things.

Two Suits
A drama by Gretchen Icenogle—a husband and wife must find a way to come to grips with loss.

Consider the Ant
A comedy/drama by Karin Magaldi—a mother’s influence over her daughter’s choice of cleaning products is explored

Kill the Rabbit
A comedy by JJ Hawkins—a young couple contemplate having children and all that that might imply.

Night Mary
A comedy by John Duncan—a father with a slight disability tries to have the sex discussion with his teenage daughter.

Contact us at 503-312-6789 or to make reservations for Parents and Children. Please arrive at least 15 minutes prior to showtime if you don't plan on making reservations. Please check back for detailed showtimes.

Thursdays at 7:30pm
June 4th, 11th, 18th & 25th
*June 4th is a pay-what-you-will preview night*

Fridays at 7:30pm
June 5th, 12th, 19th & 26th

Saturdays at 7:30pm
June 6th, 13th, 20th & 27th

Sundays at 2:00pm
June 7th, 14th, 21th & 28th

More info and online ticket sales:

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