Epic, right? It's by friend of the band Lilly (uh, I'll post her last name once I know it), with help from Dusty at Sub Pop.
Siiiiiick. Lovin' it!
trippppy. reminds me of the old ween.com home page with the cow head. you guys gotta make a shirt of this sketch! can't wait for more new music and vinyl reissues!
the ween site cow head ain't got nothin' on this! (altho it was cool, sev'ral years ago)
really dig so many parts of this sketch.
borat: "ni-iii-ce"
thx for sharing the goodies matt! Heaven and Earth is a new favorite track
for me--easily--of the past year of 09. Amazing vocal line to sing by Earley and the lyrics!
where do you start with the lyrics?
inspired does not begin to capture the truth, the heart, the poignancy, to me it speaks the truth
and it does that on a number of levels. just a Great track. if you all make that a single? maaan--
I hope it would go viral, the circumstances are 'ripe' for it. "for those who have the eyes to see..."
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