Tserrof 11/14/23
I keep coming back to "Valley of Death", "Oregon Geography", "Neck Tatts, Cadillacs", and "Earth (Fever Called Love)."  They really stick out for me on this album - the style, how they are all connected. Does anyone have more info about these tracks?
LiveBillieJean 3/16/24
Eric wrote a neat essay for the New York Times in 2013 about some of these songs, check it out:
axiomaticuntil 8/13/24

Valley of Death"

  • Artist/Album: This track is often associated with the band Bauhaus from their album "The Sky’s Gone Out".
  • Style and Theme: The song is known for its dark, atmospheric style, typical of Bauhaus' post-punk sound. The title and lyrics evoke themes of existential dread and desolation, which are common in their work.
  • Connection: It fits into a broader narrative of exploring themes of darkness and decay, consistent with the album's mood and other tracks.
fabarmadillo 8/23/24
The crowd at BT's St Louis show last year was pretty damn wasted, and they still didn't act as drunk as the AI bots on this forum.
flykey 3 days ago
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